Thursday, August 8, 2013

Babies at the Zoo!

We had made a quick trip to St. Louis and while we were there we had to stop at the Zoo.  Justus was so excited to go back!  This time the zoo was filled with baby animals and they were adorable!  We also got to see a few other animals that were in hiding last time we went.
The rhinoceros was one of the animals we didn't see last time

He was pacing back and forth this time and we were able to capture a photo

The hippos were also very active and were bouncing around in the water

The cheetah wasn't active, but we got to see him really well

And there was an adorable elephant baby!!!!!

It was so precious!

And the tiger was in sight as well

Such a cute zebra baby!

Look how inquisitive it is

Waving to the Momma and baby giraffe

Moriah enjoyed the animals too!

And of course the penguin house- it felt pretty good in there this time :)

A Stop at the Pump

We saw this sticker at our local 
Casey's gas station and found it humorous. :)

Friendly Owl

This picture is from quite a while ago, but while perusing I saw this picture and had to share.  We stumbled upon this owl while mushroom hunting earlier this year and we figured it was young by the way the feathers looked.  Do you recognize what kind of owl it is?  If so, leave a comment below! :)